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PDFs for Practicing German Grammar and Vocabulary

 PDFs for Practicing German Grammar and Vocabulary

  • German language course from wikibooks.org is the result of an ongoing collaborative effort of several authors and, therefore, it is being constantly developed and improved. The latest version of this course can be downloaded here, but the formatting of the PDF file seems a little bit odd and some lessons are not yet finished, so you may be better off using the original version from 2006 available under the link above. This German course is suitable for total beginners to teach them basic grammar, phrases and vocabulary used in common, everyday situations.
  • Basic German: A Grammar and Workbook is an excellent learning material for independent study with emphasis on German grammar. It is a beginner’s course equivalent to one year of standard class course. This PDF can also be used as a reference and practice workbook for training German grammar by learners who already possess some knowledge of the German language. Once you have managed ‘Basic German’ you can continue with part 2, i.e., ‘Intermediate German‘. Part 2 presents a broad range of more complex grammatical topics with practical exercises at the end of each of the 24 chapters.
  • Toms Deutschseite is a personal website developed by a native German speaker to teach his foreign wife German. The emphasis is on grammar and basic vocabulary. Choose any topic (whether a grammar or a vocabulary building lesson) and at the bottom of each page under “Exercises” and “Summary” you will find links to the PDFs that you can open and save to your disk.
  • Mein-Deutschbuch.de offers free online exercises that are downloadable as PDFs to help you train all aspects of grammar skills. Correct answers can be found at the end of each file. Since all instructions (just like the website itself) are only in German, these worksheets are suited for intermediate and advanced students who can already understand instructions in written German. Should you feel you still have not had enough of grammar, try also these additional exercises.
  • Deutsch – German Language is a free e-book focusing on explaining the basics of German grammar. It also includes some useful German phrases and vocabulary lists on common, everyday topics. This material should not be used as a stand-alone workbook but rather as a grammar reference book.
  • German Grammar Summary is a one-pager that summarises the most essential points of German grammar such as the use of cases, articles, reflexive pronouns and prepositions. You can print it out and use it as a quick reference guide whenever needed.

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هل أنت مستعد لتغيير مستقبلك؟ تعلم اللغة الألمانية ليس فقط مهارة، بل هو بوابتك لعالم جديد من الفرص المذهلة! 🌍
تخيل أن تصبح جزءًا من مجتمع عالمي يتحدث الألمانية ويمنحك فرصة العمل في أقوى الشركات الألمانية و العالمية . أو ربما تحلم بالدراسة في ألمانيا أو السفر إليها !
لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك، و تعلم اللغة الألمانية اليوم وابدأ في بناء مستقبل لا محدود! 🚀
ابدأ الآن، واجعل اللغة الألمانية طريقك لتحقيق أهدافك الكبيرة!

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